In Memoriam Carter

by | Mar 12, 2022

Eight years ago, Ahmed brought to us in our home in Luxor the most adorable little white fluff ball, a pup who was given the mighty name of Carter.

He immediately became a beloved family member, but also a most welcome protector and companion while exploring the great landscape of Gebel el-Silsila. With wolf genes carried down from his grandfather, Carter always loved the field and saw himself as the King of the Mountain – which all other dogs and animals there agreed with.

As the Mission grew and we welcomed new members to the archaeological team, Carter took them in one by one, adding to the pack of whom to protect and receive a treat from… He walked with us every inch of the site – west bank, east bank, through Nag el-Hammam and during our great 17 km circumnavigation from the mouth of Shatt el-Rigal back to the tarmac road of the west bank.

He became a star actor when filming for National Geographic and others, following our moves and returned to his position in case of a re-take. He was there to protect our two children, Freja and Jonathan, being patient with them, helping them in learning how to walk, protecting them and loving them.

He hated the days when we packed up to leave Silsila, fully understanding that his Luxor life did not offer the same freedom, and many were the times when he tried to run off, and delayed our exit from site. Nevertheless, life in Luxor was safe in the care of Abdalla and later Ahmed, while we were out of Egypt. He helped Abdalla look after and lovingly care for our cats Snowy, Petrie, Tiger and Kheny, who now are waiting for him on the other side of the rainbow. Their waiting, however, has come to an end, because our gorgeous darling, our beloved companion and canine soulmate fell victim to the horrible practice of poisoning dogs on the west bank of Luxor. In this centenary of Carter’s discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, our Carter left us all heartbroken just months before he was going to fly with us to a new home in Sweden.

Thank you our beloved family member, thank you our trusted companion for all the love and happiness you have given us all over the years. Now run free and stand mighty on the top of that hill that you always held so dear. You will always be a member of the Silsila team, and your presence will always remain as we run down our favourite sand dune each afternoon as the sun sets.

Rest in peace our beloved Carter, give our love to all of our other furry friends who greeted you on the other side. X

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