The following post was written by one of the project’s wonderful supporters; his and his family’s encouragement and genuine support inspired us to share his words here.
The original ‘opinion piece’ was published by Samuel Strait on November 19, 2016 at
Searching for knowledge by uncovering the past
So often as we enter the holiday season we are inundated with requests for some form of charity from groups near and far. Very often we are hesitant, not knowing exactly how that donation is to be spent and whether or not “good works” will come of our donation. It is a luxury then to be able to donate to those nearer to home and witness first hand those good works.
For those that have broader horizons in their wish to donate to good works, there is a long list of groups of people doing things in the far corners of this world that further our knowledge of the progress of mankind throughout history. To those that are interested, money can be donated to support such good works all over the world. Many are reputable and connected to University’s and College’s which send researchers far and wide to scour the planet in search of knowledge which can make the world a better place. Often these groups are underfunded and in constant need for donations which will aid them in the quest for knowledge.
For the past eight seasons, this group has gathered on this site to preserve and learn from the discoveries made. During this particular season, I have the privilege of being related to one of the members of this group who has given her time to further the rewards gained from learning about the past at this particular archaeologic site. Because Egyptology in this area has not the claim to fame that site’s in and around Cairo, the three Great pyramids, the Sphinx, or even the temple complex at Abu Simbel, money to fund the season’s digs must come from the charity of people who wish to contribute to a very worthwhile cause that so often goes unrecognized and overlooked.
What is unique about this particular group is that they will continue to do good work with whatever comes to them and are grateful for any small amount people wish to contribute. They, the Directors, Maria Nilsson and John Ward, keep donors up to date on progress made at the site as well as acknowledging each donation with a personal message. For those that wish to donate, they have a web page,, or if you just want to live vicariously through their blogspot, it can be found at This is a unique opportunity for those that wish to make a donation in a non traditional way, and know that you are contributing to the knowledge of the world and a very good cause. And, yes, my wife and I have made a small contribution, feel better for it and feel more like citizens of the world, many of which visit our small corner of the world.
Thank you dear Samuel and to your entire family, and all amazing people who continues to show their support and encouragement! The Gebel el Silsila Project is deeply thankful and forever grateful!
Some of this year’s team members, including some of our amazing workers.
Donations to the Gebel el Silsila Project goes directly towards employing more workers, which allows the team to discover more monuments and tombs in the Necropolis, and study more ground breaking information about the ancient past at Gebel el Silsila!