Prior to this, our Season 12, we put in process a massive Kickstarter campaign targeting work in the Temple of Sobek on the East Bank of Silsila. We were overwhelmed as we reached our goal and thereby secured the continuation of work at this particular site. As part of this campaign, our backers were able to choose between various rewards, of which one was an official thank you here on our blog. After receiving our backers’ approval, the time has now come for us to publically thank each one of you who made this work possible! Please find the list of backers, arranged alphabetically, below (including some whom wished to remain anonymous).
Image of the western structure from last season.
Workers taking on the Mound during the previous season. Photo by Anders Andersson.
Connecting the structures – in progress. Photo by Anders Andersson
Finally, with this short update, we would like to thank you all for your support and encouragement, and to wish you all the best for a Happy, Prosperous, Healthy and Adventurous New Year 2019!
THANK YOU for your support in “Finding Sobek”
Jane Akshar
Jens Allwood
Anders Andersson
Tove Andersson
Pierre Arnold III
Paul Bagheri-Poubanne
Annelise Baer
Mary Banks
Elaine Barke
Lida Barmala
Shannon Beltz
Shelby Beltz
Karin Berggren
Nils & Anna Carin Billing
Erin Bisson
Susanna Blåndman
Ann Brun
John Burn
Jeff Burzacott
Yvonne Buskens-Frenken
Etta Chatterjee
Mats Cullhed
Lynn Couture
Annica Dahlström
Katie Davenport-Mackey
Sharon Davidson
Darryl Dobson
Jennifer Dyer
Rudi Endresen
Françoise Entelis
Raphael Epand
Nils Essle
Isabella Faroppa
Raquel Agrás Flores
Melanie Friederichs
Yishay Gabrieli
Linda Garza Hansen
Bronwyn and Peter Harrison
Carole Gillis
Richard Grant
Sven Grimm
Tiffany Hall
Diane Hanger
Beverley Haystead
Debra Hayward
Andy Hicks
Brenda Hill
Kristoffer Holmén
Sofia Häggman
Tony Jibbefors
Dr. Kim A Jobst DM FRCP MFHom
Sasha K (Sobekemiti)
Sölve Kajanus
Maria Karlman Noleryd
Allan King
Josa Kärre
Matthew King
Lena Kristensson
Niklas Kärrman
Anna Lagaron
Lars Larsson
Stephen Lazenby
Susan Lea
Marie Lebeau
Petra Lether
Tom Lesniewski
Jeszika Le Vye
Emma Libonati
Ulrika Lindblom-Nilsson
Stephanie Lindeburg
Anna Lindqvist
Ted Loukes
Andrea Lundberg Blank
Dan Madsen
Elisabeth Maubert
Beatrice Mackenzie
Flore Mayvial
Chandler McGowan
Denise McGrath
Françoise Meyer
James Miller
Kyra van der Moezel
Glyn Morris
Krista Moyls
Charlie Nilsson
Fredrik Nilsson
Gunhild Nilsson
Johan Nilsson
Lill Nilsson
Maria Nilsson
Svante Nilsson
Miss Leanne Northrop
Hans Nyman
Ingemar Nyman
Jennifer OConnell
Helen Ollett-Nash
Eva Oredsson
Vincenzo Pannone
Patrick Patzer
Leena Pekkalainen
Jenny Persson
Julie Phillips
Alban-Brice Pimpaud
Carolyn Prior
Berit Prohaszka
Johanna Rex
Sue Retzer
Britnee Ricks
Carlo Rindi Nuzzolo
Abby and Bryn Roberts
Peter Robinson
Richard Rossi
Vincenzo Salvatore Pannone
Benita Schreuder
Astrid Segmar
Brian & Pam Silverian
Robert Skinner
Amanda Slack
Mrs Julie Smith
Martin Smith
Michele Stopera Freyhauf
Rocci Stucci
Pia Svanbom
Sofia Svensson
Kevin Swanson
Robert and Olivia Temple
Karen Thomas
Jen Thum
Debbie Tily
Ian Tompkins
Dr. CMCl Toporow
Paula Tutty
Margareta Törngren
Vanellus Trust
Juliane Unger
Julie Villaeys
John Ward
Charlotte Weaver
Judith Weingarten
Tobias Werner
Gertie Werner-Bäumer
James Whitfield
George Wood
Robin Young
Renée Zetterlund
Lihi Zilverberg